8 Life Keys For The Rest Of The Year
Can you believe it’s March already?! I really can’t. I honestly feel like we only just had Christmas.
Anyway, the beginning of March means a quarter of the year down, the start of autumn (if you are in the Southern Hemisphere) and maybe a little weariness from being in the thick of the year. We find ourselves neeeding a bit of refreshing, to get back on top of things, to reorganise (after our intial New Years organisation) and just everything needing a little revamping.
So here are my 8 Quarter Year resolutions to revamp your life in the middle of March!
1. Be Present.
Be where you are. Really take in what is around you. Listen wholeheartedly when people are talking to you. Find the gold of the season you are in and live with the gold in mind rather than longing for the gold of a different season. There is always something sweet about the season you are in, so enjoy the sweetness.
2. Make (achievable) Goals.
To accomplish things you are wanting to accomplish, goals are exactly what you need. Goals that are too big though will have the opposite effect, you will get less done because it will seem to hard to overcome. Set small goals often. When you achieve a goal, celebrate it and set another goal! You will be whisking through tasks so quickly!
3. Know what is right for you in this season.
Back on the topic of seasons. It’s important to know what season you are in, so you can know what is right for you in this season. Ask God what is right for you in this season. If something doesn’t line up with what is right for you in this season, then get rid of it. If God says something is right for you in this season it’s out of His kindness. Even though it can be hard, those things will only hurt you in the end. If something is right, then focus on that & enjoy it! God knows what He’s doing, so obedience is key!
4. Quality time.
At the beginning of the year, ‘Quality time’ was something that God was highlighting for me, for 2017. That is no different now! He is all about relationship and community. Ask God who to be intentional with when it comes to quality time and make it happen. It may require a bit of pushing at first (in a nice way) but it will be worth it. When you are with those people, wether it be a few people or one person. Really talk to them, ask them how they are, what they’ve been thinking about, what’s been bothering them, what is their dreams, their desires, their fears. Grow community and friendship. Be encouraging, pray for them, love them well, that’s family and the Kingdom is all about family.
5. Perseverance.
Perseverance is something I love and hate. I love it because it’s good and it makes things happen, but the point of perseverance is to keep going when you don’t want to and that can be hard. To love persevance you have to know the why, when you know the why it makes the hard pushing easier, because you know it’s for a reason that will be worth it. Persevance is a great quality & without it it’s hard to do anything that is worth something.
6. Do things to the full.
When we know what season we are in, we know what to focus on, and what whatever is your focus do that to the full! You know what I mean, don’t cut corners. Put the extra bit of effort into making something great. I’m not saying be a perfectionist, I’m just saying go the extra mile. If you can do something better and have the time, then do it! It is so worth it!
7. Have Grace.
Have grace for yourself and for others. Don’t push yourself too hard. Persevere and rest when you need to. Watch your favourite movie and just totally relax. You are not perfect and will never be. Don’t beat yourself up when you fall short. Have grace for yourself and know that it is never too late. Have grace for others. Don’t expect them to be perfect and always be everything that you want them to be. They are humans and they have such gold inside of them. Love them and have grace for when people have bad days, because you have bad days too.
8. Read the Bible.
Seriously, I say it a lot but the bible is amazing!! Read it & renew your thoughts daily. Fill yourself with truth & wisdom. It’s such a gift that we have!!
There you have it 8 Life resolutions for the rest of the year!
I speak peace, grace, strength, perseverance, courage, ease & the love of God to flow straight into you!
Ben Hughes
Once again such wisdom from a beautiful heart. xx
Love this list! Thank you Keely!!!
Keely Hughes
Thank you!!!